//创建文件using namespace Windows::Storage; MainPage^ rootPage; rootPage = MainPage::Current;create_task(KnownFolders::DocumentsLibrary->CreateFileAsync(rootPage->Filename, CreationCollisionOption::ReplaceExisting)).then([this](StorageFile^ file) { rootPage->SampleFile = file; OutputTextBlock->Text = "The file '" + file->Name + "' was created."; });
static property Platform::String^ Filename
{ Platform::String^ get() { return ref new Platform::String(L"sample.dat"); } }property Windows::Storage::StorageFile^ SampleFile
{ Windows::Storage::StorageFile^ get() { return sampleFile; } void set(Windows::Storage::StorageFile^ value) { sampleFile = value; } }2、向文件中写入信息----写Text内容 //另加空间名using namespace concurrency;StorageFile^ file = rootPage->SampleFile;//刚才创建的文件 if (file != nullptr) { String^ userContent = InputTextBox->Text; if (userContent != nullptr && !userContent->IsEmpty()) { create_task(FileIO::WriteTextAsync(file, userContent)).then([this, file, userContent](tasktask) { try { task.get(); OutputTextBlock->Text = "The following text was written to '" + file->Name + "':\n\n" + userContent; } catch(COMException^ ex) { rootPage->HandleFileNotFoundException(ex); } }); } else { OutputTextBlock->Text = "The text box is empty, please write something and then click 'Write' again."; } }
rootPage->ResetScenarioOutput(OutputTextBlock); StorageFile^ file = rootPage->SampleFile; if (file != nullptr) { String^ userContent = InputTextBox->Text; if (userContent != nullptr && !userContent->IsEmpty()) { IBuffer^ buffer = GetBufferFromString(userContent); create_task(FileIO::WriteBufferAsync(file, buffer)).then([this, file, buffer, userContent](tasktask) { try { task.get(); OutputTextBlock->Text = "The following " + buffer->Length.ToString() + " bytes of text were written to '" + file->Name + "':\n\n" + userContent; } catch(COMException^ ex) { rootPage->HandleFileNotFoundException(ex); } }); } else { OutputTextBlock->Text = "The text box is empty, please write something and then click 'Write' again."; } }
//写Byte流using namespace Windows::Storage::Streams; rootPage->ResetScenarioOutput(OutputTextBlock); StorageFile^ file = rootPage->SampleFile; if (file != nullptr) { String^ userContent = InputTextBox->Text; if (userContent != nullptr && !userContent->IsEmpty()) { create_task(file->OpenTransactedWriteAsync()).then([this, file, userContent](tasktask) { try { StorageStreamTransaction^ transaction = task.get(); DataWriter^ dataWriter = ref new DataWriter(transaction->Stream); dataWriter->WriteString(userContent); create_task(dataWriter->StoreAsync()).then([this, file, dataWriter, transaction, userContent](unsigned int bytesWritten) { transaction->Stream->Size = bytesWritten; // reset stream size to override the file create_task(transaction->CommitAsync()).then([this, file, userContent]() { OutputTextBlock->Text = "The following text was written to '" + file->Name + "' using a stream:\n\n" + userContent; }); }); } catch(COMException^ ex) { rootPage->HandleFileNotFoundException(ex); } }); } else { OutputTextBlock->Text = "The text box is empty, please write something and then click 'Write' again."; } }
StorageFile^ file = rootPage->SampleFile; if (file != nullptr) { create_task(FileIO::ReadBufferAsync(file)).then([this, file](task<IBuffer^> task) { try { IBuffer^ buffer = task.get(); DataReader^ dataReader = DataReader::FromBuffer(buffer); String^ fileContent = dataReader->ReadString(buffer->Length); OutputTextBlock->Text = "The following " + buffer->Length.ToString() + " bytes of text were read from '" + file->Name + "':\n\n" + fileContent; } catch(COMException^ ex) { rootPage->HandleFileNotFoundException(ex); } }); }